Cinema Club: Film Love Happens (Sunday, November 3)

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Cinema Club: Film Love Happens (Sunday, November 3)
  • Дата 31.10.2013
  • Поділитися

3 ноября, в воскресенье, в Cinema Club - просмотр фильма Love Happens на английском языке, разговорный клуб и ресторация. 


Dear friends!

We have a new format for the events of Cinema Club in English.

  • What Movie: "Love Happens" with Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston
  • Where: Khmelnitskоgo,16/22, Kyiv (m. Teatralna) 
  • When: Sunday, November 3, 5 pm. Come at 4 pm if you want to socialize

Love Happens is a 2009 romance drama film written and directed by Brandon Camp and starring Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston. It was released on September 18, 2009. A widower whose book about coping with loss turns him into a best-selling self-help guru, falls for the hotel florist where his seminar is given, only to learn that he hasn't yet truly confronted his wife's passing.



4 pm – 5 pm: Informal Conversation (Upstairs)
5 pm – 6.30 pm: Two options: Movie (Cinema Room) and Story time (Upstairs)  
6.30 pm - …: Informal Conversation, discussion of the movie 

Great news!

We offer one more option for those of you, who for some reason doesn’t want to watch a movie, but really wants to talk on different topics.

From 5.30 pm at a Room Upstairs we’ll continue the conversation! We continue the discussions of fabulous short-stories by Hemingway and share our own stories related to them. Remember, “There are no wasted words in Hemingway, and every word counts”. Be attentive to the details and look for a hidden meaning. If you subscribed (send a request to to our events,  you will recieve the stories we will discuss in a letter. They are so short, that we’ll also enjoy reading them out loud before discussing.

Price of one event: 

50-100 UAH depending on place. It includes: Coffee/tea plus Tasty & Healthy Sweet compliment

In order to receive the invitations for upcoming events with special offers and the Full Agenda of the meetings please Sign up! Simply send a letter to titled Cinema Club. We will highly appreciate if you register for the event, because we should inform the hosting restaurant about expected number of visitors for preparing the rooms respectively.

Find out how: 

on facebook: Cinema Club 
on vkontakte: Cinema Club  

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Find our page in web 

Feel free to contact us for more details:

Lana Levska +38 050 731 25 96;  

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