Table for One Monologues: ProEnglish Theatre

Table for One Monologues: ProEnglish Theatre
  • Дата 11.03.2016
  • Поділитися
Have you ever thought about how many people you see every day? 

They pass you by and you forget their faces at once. You will never describe a bartender or a waitress in a cafe, where you spend evenings every week. Each of those people has a life story –the story that makes them stand out in the crowd. Even in ordinary places, such as a bar...

A performance by ProEnglish Theatre Group 5. Monologues from movies recreated in a theatrical way. 

  • Mar 12, 7pm 
  • Transform Place 
  • 7/2 M. Stelmakha St. (Holosiivska metro station) 
  • Admission –50 UAH 

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